How to build a successful website

by Mike Welsh

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Help those in need...

Help those in need...

For the last month or so now I've been helping at with a community interest company (CIC) called Quiet Connections.

For the last month or so now I've been helping at with a community interest company (CIC) called Quiet Connections. I've always been a strong believer in if you can offer your time and skills to those that need them do so. It's extermely rewarding and is a great way to transfer some of that knowledge you've gained over the years. Plus you often get to mess around and figure something new out while saying them a ton of cash.

They are a lovely bunch of people who got burnt by a previous developer that took their money and delivered nothing that was promised. It's so common these days in dev that it makes me sick to the bone.

Their plan is to revamp their website a bit so I've been working on a new version for them behind the scenes. Still trying to convince them to dump WordPress and go with Dumb Dog lol, well I can dream anyways ;-)

But their biggest plan is to have their own e-learning platform as they offer courses on various aspects of helping to deal with mental health issues. We are currently expirementing with Moodle to see if it'll fit all their needs so I'm working in the background getting that built up for them.

I've used Moodle before and its a pretty nice LMS, not that hard to use (though it was a pain to get setup and the theme built) and its full of features.

Watch this space for more updates and releases of their new website plus LMS.

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